
zk Connect Four

zk Connect Four

zk Connect Four is a zero-knowledge decentralised application that lets you play the game of Connect Four against a DQN agent-trained policy or against another user.

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Bank Microservices

Bank Microservices

Bank Microservices is my own approach to a bank application, with a microservices-based architecture and using the MERN stack.

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Olive Oil Trust

Olive Oil Trust

Olive Oil Trust is an olive oil traceability solution built on Ethereum that adapts the workflow of the olive oil long value chain to the blockchain through the use of smart contracts.

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This is my personal webpage, where I publish articles and side-projects.

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Ready to #buidl?

Are you interested in Web3 or the synergies between blockchain technology, artificial intelligence and zero knowledge?. Then, do not hesitate to contact me by e-mail or on my LinkedIn profile. You can also find me on GitHub.